Saturday, August 18, 2007

City Walks 1 and 2

This first city "tour" takes us through the Muslim section of the city. They make up the 3rd largest group here, although still a small minority compared to the largest ethnic group. Many buildings on these streets are designed to look like mosques, although most of them are just regular city buildings. I visited the oldest mosque one of my first days (just to look around).

For the second "tour" I wanted to show you the changing city. Many ancient homes and buildings are rapidly being demolished for new high rise apartments. Some of these pictures show the ruins of ancient homes, with the cranes in the background. Big business and the rush towards $ are quickly replacing old cultures and customs.

Notice the cranes in many of the pictures, and I end today's blog with some pictures of the modern business city.
Millions more people are expected to move into cities from the countryside within the next few years, which is one reason the country is in a huge building phase. That means that many more opportunities to talk to people. Please remember all these citizens who are moving or whose hearts crave $ and material possessions.

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